At Meltham Moor RSHE (Relationships education, relationships and sex education and health education) RSE (Relationships and sex education) PSHE ed. (Personal, social, health and economic education) and PD (Personal Development) are collectively known as PSHE ed. This subject is valued by staff and taught across the school in order to support the development of knowledge, skills and attributes needed by our children to enjoy fulfilling lives now, and in the future.

Personal, social, health and economic (PSHE) education is an embedded part of our broad and balanced curriculum. Pupils’ spiritual, moral, social and cultural (SMSC) development is at the heart of our school ethos, echoing our school values. British Values are promoted through the overarching aims and objectives of PSHE ed. supporting our children to become respectful, healthy and responsible members of society, preparing them for life and work in the modern world.

Across the school PSHE ed. is focused on rights. Personal rights and responsibilities and the rights of others. Supporting children in identifying their emotions starts in Nursery and a whole school approach using ‘the colour of feelings’ to discuss emotions runs from EYFS to year 6. In EYFS Personal, Social and Emotional Development is given a high priority and is interwoven throughout every day. In Years 1-6 these areas are explored through weekly lessons using the themes of keeping safe, thinking positively, keeping healthy, having positive relationships, changing bodies, growing-up, handling money and contributing to the wider world. Each unit of work is visited and built upon on a two yearly cycle. Throughout every topic the school values of compassion, confidence, resilience, aspiration and a love of learning are interwoven and referred to. 

  • The PSHE ed. Programme of Study (PoS), although taught discreetly, is also taught alongside and within our RE lessons, assemblies, circle times and though one off event/celebration days and has links across the curriculum. In years 1-6 discreet PSHE ed. is evidenced in large carpet books. Evidence of PSHE ed. can be found across the curriculum and is displayed on classroom walls. Whenever possible, staff try to deliver part or all of the PSHE ed. lessons in the wellbeing room or the Woodland classroom. The most important thread which runs throughout PSHE ed. at our school is consent. At Meltham Moor we believe that understanding what consent means empowers our children. Knowing that silence or lack of resistance does NOT equal consent will help to keep them safe now and in their futures. The Key Concepts mantra for PSHE ed. is ‘In PSHE I am me and I learn about my rights and the rights of others’.

    Meltham Moor recognises that some aspects PSHE ed. can be sensitive or even controversial and ensures that a safe space for learning is always created where individuals know that their views and feelings will be listened to with respect, tolerance and patience.  The curriculum has been developed alongside consultation with Kirklees Education Authority and the support of our parents, governors, staff and children.

    Our scheme of work for PSHE ed. has been created to reflect the children and families served by Meltham Moor.  It is a spiral curriculum featuring thematic units under the headings of Health and Wellbeing, Relationships and Living in the Wider World.  Our PSHE planning and resources are fully in line with the PSHE Association Programme of Study and meet the Guidance for 2020 Statutory Relationships and Health Education.  At Meltham Moor the curriculum subject PSHE ed. Is underpinned by our school values, British Values and SMSC (Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural development), delivering a balanced and empathetic view of the world in which our children are living.

  • • To deliver a PSHE ed. curriculum which ensures life-long learning and results in empowering our children with the knowledge and skills needed to access the wider curriculum and, in turn, prepare them to help to prepare them for the world in which they grow up, including the laws as they relate to relationships, sex, health.

    • To deliver a PSHE ed. curriculum to the children of Meltham Moor which demonstrates age appropriate subject knowledge, skills and understanding to which fulfils the duties of the Relations Education (RE), Relationship and Sex Education (RSE) and Health Education (HE)

    • To ensure that the children of Meltham Moor are able to safely communicate their learning in a wide variety of ways.

    • To embed our five school values of aspiration, compassion, confidence, resilience and a love of learning, throughout our curriculum.

    • To help foster respect for others and for difference.

  • Across the school PSHE ed. is focused on rights. Personal rights and responsibilities and the rights of others. Identifying personal emotions and the emotions of others runs alongside this. Supporting children in identifying emotions starts in Nursery and a whole school approach using ‘the colour of feelings’ to discuss emotions runs from EYFS to year 6. In EYFS Personal, Social and Emotional Development is given a high priority and is interwoven throughout each day. The understanding and development of respect, rules, responsibilities, health and communication are delivered under termly themes of Me and my world, colour, light and celebrations, dream big, explore the wider world, how does your garden grow and are we nearly there yet. In Key Stage 1 & 2 the curriculum is planned and timetabled across key stages 1 & 2 as more discrete lessons. The termly headings of Relationships, Living in the wider world, and Health and wellbeing are broken down into further sub-headings for each half term.

    Years 1, 3 and 5


    • TEAM

    • It’s my Body

    Living in the Wider World

    • Money Matters

    • Britain

    Health and Wellbeing

    • Be Yourself

    • Aiming High

    Years 2, 4 and 6


    • VIPs

    • Growing up

    Living in the Wider World

    • One World

    • Think Positive

    Health and Wellbeing

    • Safety First

    • Respecting Rights

    The spiral curriculum starts in Year 1 and follows the children through to Year 6. The distribution of the lessons supplements key campaigns throughout the year such as Anti-bullying Week, Road Safety Week and Safety On-line Days as well as valuing and being part of other key celebrations such as Multi Faith Week, Mental Health awareness week and charity fund raising days.

    PSHE ed. is embedded into the whole ethos and sprit of Meltham Moor Primary School. It is delivered across the school year though different curriculum subjects, as part of assemblies, in individual and group work and through whole school activities such as sponsored events, charity events and celebration days. Alongside this are focused, age specific PSHE ed. lessons. These are delivered in dedicated weekly class sessions through a series of planned, progressive lessons which, in turn, form part of the scheme of work created to meet the needs of all the children at Meltham Moor.

    In our Nursery and reception classes PSHE is not taught discreetly but runs alongside every part of the day. However, on Thursday afternoons Reception Class do go into the Wild Space where a more focused PSHE session is delivered. Please see the EYFS trust Policy and Meltham Moor Primary School Early Years Policy for further information.

    Class teachers aim to deliver at least half of their focused lessons in the newly developed Wellbeing Room or the developing Wild Space. The wellbeing room has low tables and children sit on the floor. The room is equipped with a range of resources to support the delivery and learning of PSHE ed. The Wellbeing room is held-up as a special, calm place for the children to learn and an area where wellbeing and mental health are promoted. The Wild Space is our woodland classroom which is an ongoing project. The space is being developed to support the delivery of PSHE ed. and environmental science for children across the school. This area is also promoted as a special place for the children to learn and staff place great importance on good mental health and support of others when working here.

  • It is hoped that the IMPACT of the delivery of high quality PSHE ed. will result in the children of Meltham Moor developing the skills and attributes needed to play a positive and fulfilling role in society.

    • Our children will be aspirational in their attitudes for their futures and know what has to be done to achieve their goals.

    • Our children will have the confidence to challenge others, lead by example and ask for help when needed.

    • Our children will be compassionate towards the needs of our world showing tolerance and acceptance to others with whom they share it.

    • Our children will be resilient and able to manage their own mental health at the same time as acknowledging their role in supporting the mental health of others.

    • Our children will leave Meltham Moor with such a strong understanding of the wider world that their love of learning will flourish and, in turn, infect others.

    • Our children have a clear understanding of the word CONSENT and know that silence or lack of resistance does NOT equal consent.

    PSHE Association evaluated research ‘A case for PSHE’ indicates that PSHE when taught well ‘helps keep children and young people safe, physically and emotionally healthy and prepared for life and work.’

    PSHE Association evaluated research ‘PSHE, Academic Attainment and Employability’ indicates that ‘growing evidence suggests that the skills and attributes acquired through PSHE education have a significant impact on pupils' academic achievement, employability and future life chances.’
