All children at Meltham Moor get the support they need to learn, play and have fun together. For some children with special educational needs or disabilities, this might mean some extra help or resources are needed.
Meltham Moor Primary School is an educationally inclusive school. The achievements, attitudes and well-being of every person in the school matters. This is made evident in our ethos and values. We believe that every teacher is a teacher of Special Educational Needs and we plan for the needs of each child, in partnership with other specialist services where appropriate. We aim for every child to be fully included in school life and value diversity and celebrate all our talents and differences.
We plan actively to identify additional needs at an early stage and to put in place strategies and support to overcome barriers to learning, whatever these may be. We aim for all children to achieve their best, personally, socially and academically.
If you’d like any more information, or would prefer to have a chat, please contact school and ask to speak to our SENDCo, Katherine Manuel.
More information
Our SENDCo is Katherine Manuel
Katherine has a wealth of experience in supporting children and families with special needs, from identifying and assessing needs to getting the support they need to thrive. If you have worries or concerns, please get in touch.
Please contact Katherine at k.manuel@melthammoor.tlt.school
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Kirklees local offer
There are a range of services in the local area to support children and young people with SEND, and their families.
KIAS (Kirklees Information Advice and Support Service)
The service offers free, impartial information, advice and support relating to a child or young person’s Special Educational Needs and/or disability and is available to anybody living within the Kirklees area.
Tel: 0300 330 1504